Some of the major publications.


  • Koss, H.H., Ratheiser, M., Lieb, R.-D., Krüs, H.W., Ruscheweyh, H.
    WtG Guideline for the Assessment of Wind Comfort in Urban Areas
    16th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Florence (I), August, 2023
  • Krüs, H.W., Hon K.K., Chan P.W.
    Turbulence intensity footprints of built and natural environment as measured by anemometers at Hong Kong International Airport
    Meteorologische Zeitschrift, Schweizerbart Science Publ, 1-31:3-12, DOI:10.1127/metz/2021/1087, February, 2022


  • Krüs, H.W.
    Auswertung von Anemometer-Messungen zur Bestimmung von Umgebungsrauigkeiten
    16. WtG-Dreiländertagung Windtechnologische Gesellschaft
    Deutschland – Österreich – Schweiz D-A-CH, München (D), October, 2019
  • Koss, H.H., Tschannett, S., Ratheiser, M., Ruscheweyh, H.; Lieb, R.-D., Krüs; H.W., Höffer, R.
    Development of a new guideline for the assessment of wind comfort in urban areas
    15th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Beijing (CN), September, 2019
  • Krüs, H.W.
    Einfluss der Flughafenumgebung auf die Windbedingungen bei Start und Landung
    15. WtG-Dreiländertagung Windtechnologische Gesellschaft
    Deutschland – Österreich – Schweiz D-A-CH, Kopenhagen (DK), October, 2017
  • Chan, P.W.; Krüs, H.W.
    Validation of a crosswind change criterion for building induced airflowdisturbances using a flight simulator: case studies at the Hong Kong International Airport
    Meteorological Applications, 23:742–748. DOI:10.1002/met.1598, 2016
  • Krüs, H.W.
    Using anemometers to estimate aerodynamic roughness coefficients
    12th UK Wind Engineering Society Conference, Nottingham, September, 2016
  • Krüs, H.W.
    Influence of the built environment on airport operations
    12th UK Wind Engineering Society Conference, Nottingham, September, 2016
  • Krüs, H.W.
    Criteria for crosswind variations during approach and touchdown at airports
    DFG FOR 1066, DLR-Airbus “International Symposium on Simulation of Wing and Nacelle Stall”, in
    R. Radespiel et al. (eds.), Advances in Simulation of Wing and Nacelle Stall,
    Notes on Numerical Fluid Mechanics and Multidisciplinary Design 131
    Springer Verlag, 2016, pp. 167-187, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-21127-5 10
  • Katz, C., Krüs, H.W.
    Generierung und Anwendung von Polyeder-Zellen für CFD Berechnungen
    14. WtG-Dreiländertagung Windtechnologische Gesellschaft
    Deutschland – Österreich – Schweiz D-A-CH, Braunschweig, October, 2015
  • Balafas, G., Katz, C., Krüs, H.W., Niggl, A.
    The creation and use of polyhedral cells for computational fluid dynamics
    6th International Symposium on Computational Wind Engineering, Hamburg, June 2014
  • Krüs, H.W.
    Validating industrial wind engineering models using heuristic methods
    Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Amsterdam, 2011


  • Op de Woerd, J.G.H., Dijkers, R. J. H., Krüs, H.W.
    Case study of the hydraulic design of a suction chamber: CFD calculation and its traps
    Proceedings of the ASME Fluids Engineering Division, ASME, 2005
  • Franke, J., Hirsch, C., Jensen, A., Krüs, H.; Schatzmann, M., Westbury, P., Miles, S., Wisse, J., Wright, N.
    Recommendations on the use of CFD in Wind Engineering, Cost Action C14
    Impact of Wind and Storms on City Life and Built Environment – Working Group 2 – CFD Techn., 2004
  • Franke, F., Castro, I., Jensen, A., Krüs, H., Westbury, P., Wisse, J., Wright. N.
    Guidelines for application of CFD in wind comfort evaluation. Part 1: General Guidelines
    COST C14 Workshop “Urban Wind Engineering and Building Aerodynamics”, Ioannina, Greece, 2003
  • Krüs, H.W., Haanstra, J.O., van der Ham, R., Wichers Schreur, B.
    Numerical simulations of wind measurements at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol
    Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, pp 1215-1223, 91/10, 2003
  • Wisse, J.A., Krüs, H.W., Willemsen, E.
    Wind comfort Assessment by CFD
    Proc. Impact of wind and storm on city life and built environment, CSTB, Nantes, 2002
  • Bult, H. L. J., Dijkers, R. J. H., Op de Woerd, J.G.H., Krüs, H.W.
    Process Description and Case Study of the Hydraulic Design of a Double Entry Suction Chamber
    Proceedings of the ASME Fluids Engineering Division, ASME, 2001


  • Hauser, G., Krüs, H.W.
    Hygienegerechte Gestaltung von Bauteilen für die Lebensmittelherstellung, (Schwachstellenanalyse
    durch Tests und numerische Berechnungen)
    European Hygienic Engineering and Design Group, Vlaardingen, 2000
  • Uijt de Haag, P.A.M., Smetsers, R.C.G.M., Witlox, H.; Krüs, H.W., Eisenga, A.H.M.
    Risk analysis of depleted uranium following an aircraft crash
    Proceedings 9th Annual Conference Risk Analysis: Facing the New Millennium, Rotterdam, 1999
  • Uijt de Haag, P.A.M., Smetsers, R.C.G.M., Witlox, H.; Krüs, H.W., Eisenga, A.H.M.
    Evaluating the risk from depleted uranium after the Boeing 747-258F crash in Amsterdam
    Journal of Hazardous Materials, 1999
  • Krüs, H.W.
    An evaluation of the simulated flow through the engine cooling system of a truck
    Wärmemanagement Tagung, Essen, 1998
  • Haartsen, T., Krüs, H.W.
    Rekenen aan wind, Computerberekening alternatief voor windtunnel
    Bouw 52, 1997
  • Krüs, H.W.
    Numerical simulation and experimental verification of DI diesel intake port designs
    4th Int. Conf. on Vehicle & Traffic Systems Technology,
    Strasbourg, France, 1993


  • Hawkins, I.R., Honecker, A., Krüs, H.W., Shaw, C.T., Simcox, S.
    Numerical studies of vehicle aerodynamics
    Paper 905129, ‘The Promise of New Technology in The Automotive Industry – Technical Papers’, V2, 75-83, Proc. of XXIII FISITA Congress, Turin, Italy, 1990
  • Krüs, H.W., Michel, R., Sommer, K.
    Computersimulation von Partikelbahnen in einer abklingende Drehströmung (mit Film)
    VDI-GVC Jahrestagung, Strasbourg, France, 1986
  • Michel, R., Sommer, K., Ghosh, A., Krüs, H.W.; Schreiner, R.
    Die Trubabtrennung im Whirlpool und im Flotationstank
    Brauindustrie 71, nr. 12, pp 777-781, 1986